Auto insurance brokers are the people that can actually write insurance policies. They are the ones that are licensed to operate an insurance agency and they are also the ones that hire and train the auto insurance agents that staff most agencies. They are typically licensed by the state and have more experience than the agents working under them, but can they save you money?
The answer is yes they can save you money, but not as much money as you could save yourself if you were to shop for your car insurance online. Some auto insurance brokers specialize in finding low quotes for their customers and for many years this was the only way to find a great deal on car insurance.
Now consumers have another option; they can shop online for their car insurance and cut out the middle man. Shopping for an auto insurance policy online is the surest way to find the best deal on car insurance.
The reason for this is that when you shop online for vehicle insurance you are able to view quotes from multiple companies. Car insurance is a very competitive industry so the companies will do their best to earn your business. As always competition benefits the consumer.
The car insurance quotes you receive from the competing companies will be estimates based on how you answer certain questions so to get the most accurate quotes it is important to answer the initial questions as completely and accurately as possible.
After you review the quotes and find the one to your liking make sure that it offers you the coverage level that you need before purchasing it. If everything looks good then you will have found the least expensive car insurance for which you are qualified and you should give yourself a pat on the back.
by: David Ackland
The answer is yes they can save you money, but not as much money as you could save yourself if you were to shop for your car insurance online. Some auto insurance brokers specialize in finding low quotes for their customers and for many years this was the only way to find a great deal on car insurance.
Now consumers have another option; they can shop online for their car insurance and cut out the middle man. Shopping for an auto insurance policy online is the surest way to find the best deal on car insurance.
The reason for this is that when you shop online for vehicle insurance you are able to view quotes from multiple companies. Car insurance is a very competitive industry so the companies will do their best to earn your business. As always competition benefits the consumer.
The car insurance quotes you receive from the competing companies will be estimates based on how you answer certain questions so to get the most accurate quotes it is important to answer the initial questions as completely and accurately as possible.
After you review the quotes and find the one to your liking make sure that it offers you the coverage level that you need before purchasing it. If everything looks good then you will have found the least expensive car insurance for which you are qualified and you should give yourself a pat on the back.
by: David Ackland
Cut Your Auto Insurance Rates With These Discounts
It is a pretty ugly landscape out there from an economic perspective. It has reached the point where you barely want to turn on the news. With saving money being all the rage, you definitely should seek out discounts on your car insurance. Fortunately, most insurers offer multiple opportunities to slice and dice your premiums.Before we talk about discounts, let's make sure we've covered the simplest ways to lower your premiums. The first thing to do is make sure you are only buying the coverage you need. Second, consider raising the amount of your deductible. Both of these moves can make a huge difference in what you pay. Okay, on to the discounts.
Most insurance companies write policies in many different areas. The company writing your auto coverage probably also does home insurance and what have you. If you move all your insurance business to one company, they will almost always give you a big discount in the premiums you pay. Make sure to ask for it and be aggressive!
Bundling Cars
Some insurers just stick to auto policies. If your company is one of these, you can still generate a discount by enticing them. How so? Offer to move all your cars over the company. You'd be surprised how often they will consider the situation and cut your rates.
Safe Driving
Make sure to ask for a safe driving discount. If you haven't had any driving accidents, tickets or what have you in the last five years, you should be able to get a discount on your rates. Why? You've proven yourself. Regardless of the statistics the insurance company maintains, you've show that the company isn't risking much giving you a policy.
Security Devices
Car theft has been with us a very long time and it is safe to say that it isn't going away anytime soon. With this in mind, many insurance companies will give you a discount if you go with proactive and reactive security measures. Proactive could be having a security system. Reactive could be having a locater system like Lo Jack that helps police locate your car if it is swiped. Ask your insurer for specific discounts.
Saving money on your car insurance is hugely important. It can make a big difference even if you only save a few bucks. Why? Well, you have to pay for car insurance each and every year. You are going to drive for 40 years or so. If you can cut your insurance by $200 a year, that is $8,000 you'll save over time.
by: Thomas Ajava